Monday, March 16, 2015

My husband and I have been struggling with infertility for nearly 10 years now. In the meantime we adopted two wonderful little children who are the light of our world. We had entirely given up on getting pregnant, and had convinced ourselves it didn't matter. Then, a miracle happened. On March 2nd, 2015 my "taken on a whim so I could throw the darn thing away" pregnancy test came up positive! After flying to the store, and buying one of every brand of pregnancy test, it was confirmed! I was finally pregnant! We were overjoyed and so looking forward to meeting our little baby. Since I had not been paying attention to my cycle, we could only guess that I was between 4-6 weeks along. The dreams we had buried resurfaced and we talked about who they would look like, and if we wanted a boy or a girl....

Then the worst happened. A ridiculously short week and a half later, I had a miscarriage. We were utterly devastated. I only got to enjoy being pregnant for such a short time. I even enjoyed my food aversion to chicken, since it meant this was real. But in one horrible night and a trip to the ER, our dreams were crushed.

I honestly didn't know how I was going to get through this. I mean, why did God grant us the miracle of pregnancy, only to take it away so quickly? Over the next few days as the cramping and pain continued while my body gave up it's precious cargo, I had a dream. It didn't make everything completely better, but it sure helped. Here it is. I hope it can bring comfort to others as well.

My husband and I were standing alone on a beautiful river bank. The river was about 10 feet across and the water was smooth as glass. There were beautiful flowering trees everywhere. The grass was unnaturally thick and a beautiful shade of green. It reminded me of a thick carpet. There were birds and butterflies happily flitting from tree to tree. But we were not smiling. I was holding a newborn baby swaddled in white blankets. My husband was behind me with his arms wrapped around me. We were both starring down at the baby and crying. The little ones eyes were closed and the skin was very pale. Small tufts of red hair were peaking out from around the blanket. The baby was dead. As we cried, a beautiful baby cradle made from light colored whicker appeared on the shore. It was filled with pillows and blankets and was the perfect size for the baby to lay in. We slowly approached the beautiful little basket. We took turns hugging our baby and kissing the little face. Then, through our tears, we carefully laid the baby in the basket. As we did, the blankets all changed from pure white, to light pink. Crying, we both kissed her beautiful forehead one last time. We told her we loved her and that we would miss her greatly. We put the basket in the river and gave it a small push. We dissolved into tears in each others arms.

The basket floated straight across the river at an unnatural pace and angle. The flow of the river didn't seem to affect it at all. A man appeared on the opposite shore. He was wearing long pure white robes and sandals. He had long brown hair and a beard. It was Jesus. He picked up the cradle and gently set it on his shore line. He reached in and picked up the baby. He said, "Hello Ashley. Welcome Home." Ashley's little arms immediately broke free of the swaddle and reached up to entwine her little fingers in his beard. She wasn't pale anymore. Her skin had a very healthy beautiful pink glow to it. She smiled at Jesus and laughed. Jesus smiled back and laughed with her. He gently kissed her forehead. He held our little Ashley close and looked at us across the river. We were standing still, watching in awe. He smiled and said, "Don't worry. I will take care of her until it's your turn to cross the river and see her again". He turned and walked slowly away carrying our baby. He stopped, turned to face us and repeated, "I will take care of her". Our smiling baby looked straight at us, smiled and waved. Jesus turned around and walked into the most beautiful, blinding white and gold light and they both disappeared into it.